Title: Russia/CIS Promo & Marketing Coordinator
Current Location: Saint Petersburg
Favorite Band From High School?
Who was the first FiXT artist’s Music You Heard? Where/How?
Celldweller! I grew up during 00s, I think many teenagers across Eastern Europe worshipped Need for Speed: Most Wanted back at the time, and its gorgeous soundtrack especially (we even shared pirated tracks via infrared interface in our cellphones back then haha). I was blown away by the furious nu-metal sound of “One Good Reason” and “Shapeshifter”, and years later was blown away again when discovered that it’s all a one-man band with the massive catalogue and the like-minded music family across the FiXT label.
Dream Collab You’d Like to See a FiXT Artist Work On:
The Anix x Comaduster would be a very exciting thing to see! I love how Brandon manages to break boundaries when he collaborates with other artists, yet still sounds like The Anix.
Favorite Thing To Collect:
I’m a vinyl addict. During the times when everything is digital and easy-accessible, having physical music artifacts is something else. It lives with you during good and bad times. You can cherish it, explore the details of the artwork, spin the records which sound a little different every time, enjoy the ritual of the music playing, not just ordinary clicking on it in Spotify (which is still a great achievement of humanity nonetheless).
Video Game(s):
Portal (both games)
Favorite Movie or Movie Genre:
Cyberpunk and sci-fi with philosophical questions across the plot.
Non-Music Related Hobby:
I’ve been crocheting plush toys since late middle school. They’re small, usually adorable, and are amazing mood boosters: both as gifts, and during the entire process of making them.
What Have You Enjoyed Most About Working With FiXT:
It feels like a safe space for my tastes in art and culture and it’s rad to realize when something you treated as a hobby can transformed into work that helps spread the word about the great music we all enjoy.
Closing Message:
Always stay true to your inner self, I’m sure that’s the key to the world!