Current Location:
Ames, Iowa, USA
Favorite Band When in High School:
Carly Rae Jepsen
Who was the first FiXT artist’s Music You Heard? Where/How? (even if you didn’t know it was a FiXT artist at the time):
Celldweller. I browsed through his catalog on Spotify after I had my first interview with James back in 2018.
Interesting Fact About Something You Do or Have Done that is non-music related:
I hiked Mt. Bierstadt in Colorado with two college friends back in March.
Dream Collab You’d Like to See a FiXT Artist Work On:
Celldweller x Mick Gordon
Favorite Sport or Sports Team:
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Favorite Movie or Movie Genre:
Inception (Christopher Nolan can do no wrong lol)
A Non-Music related Hobby:
Hiking and Photography
What have you enjoyed most about working with FiXT?:
The wonderful people involved on our label’s team and artist roster! It’s been a blast working with everyone and I appreciate the positivity and comradery we’ve cultivated here.